Friday, October 16, 2009

Thanks for my family

I was just thinking how lucky I have been all my life to have such good families. The family I grew up in may have had a few problems, but I really don't remember many. We all get along well as adults and did pretty much when we were kids too. We had our sibling fights like everyone else, but they were over almost as fast as they started. All my siblings married people I like and have children that I like (at least the ones I have been around a bit). I don't think there will be any contention after my parents die like some families have about who gets what (if there is anything to get). No one gets offended easily.

My family with my kids is pretty much the same. All the kids seem to get along well with each other. In fact, they are good friends with each other. They play games together, invite each other over for dinner, go to movies together, and just generally get along well. So far, their spouses seem to fit right in with the family. Of course, this doesn't mean that everything is always blissful and happy. We do have a few squabbles, but not often nor long.

The family I married into is pretty much a good family too. There is some hurt and unforgiveness there, but for the most part it is a good family to belong to. They are all hard workers and giving people.

I have seen families that think the only way to communicate disappointment or disagreement is to yell or go on a tirade. They expect you to think like they do and know what they are thinking. Maybe they get over their anger quickly sometimes, but the imprint of the yelling is strong in my mind. I am ever so grateful for parents who were patient, understanding, and slow to anger. I hope I can always be like them and be a good example for my children as well.


  1. I'm glad I have a good mom. Maybe that's why we all get along and turned out alright so far.

  2. You're my favorite mother in law, that's for sure. :) I hope I continue to fit in! I like being a member of your guys' family!

  3. You should send this to your parents. I bet they'd like to read it.
